

A prototype for a Node based editor inside of Unity.

  • The current implementation is a StateMachine. The core code is decoupled from potential new modules, BehaviourTree, DialogTree etc.

  • Custom Editor window, custom inspector to control drawing of nodes and their properties.

  • Decoupling of all Editor code from Runtime code.

  • Runtime code is slim, using Scriptableobject for ease of serialisation, and reuse of assets.

  • Works great with standard Unity Monobehaviours by hooking into existing methods such as OnEnable and OnDisable. No editing of existing Monobehaviours required!

  • Graphs are instantiated at runtime by their agents, so graphs can be reused amongst multiple GameObjects.

  • Changes fields on Monobehaviours using custom classes attached to nodes, this is done through reflection in the editor. At runtime, references to components are cached for performance.